Tuition Fee

The tuition fee is 12.000 € to be paid as follows.


12.000 €

Refund policy

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore guarantees a refund on deposit and first installment in case:

The Italian Embassy/Consulate rejects your Visa application.
In case the Master does not start for insufficient enrollments.


The Master Committee reserves the right to grant scholarships during the Master program.


Admitted students will be notified via email and in the admission portal.

The enrollment must be completed within 5 working days from the receipt of notice, uploading in admission portal, the payment of first installment and the documents required in admission notice.

Students preparing for a degree or who have a foreign university degree are required to pre-enroll through the admission portal.

Once the university degree or the Declaration of Value/Diploma Supplement * will be evaluated as adequate, applicants can proceed with the matriculation.


This form brings you one step closer to the next step in your career.